Pipe Bevel and Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 360CB
Pipe Bevel and Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 360CB
Pipe Bevel and Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 360CB
Pipe Bevel and Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 360CB
Pipe Bevel and Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 360CB
Pipe Bevel and Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 360CB
Pipe Bevel and Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 360CB
Pipe Bevel and Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 360CB

Pipe Bevel Cutting Machine

Exact Pro Series 460

  • Perfect bevel for the installation
  • Different drives (electro, pneumatik, hydraulic)
  • Range of use: OD 4" - 18" (100-460 mm)
  • Fast work without preparation
  • Economical work

 Exact Pro Series 

Item number: RG300099

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The Pipe Bevel Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 460 is a groundbreaking new product for cutting and beveling water & sewer pipelines in one process. With the renewed cutting depth adjustment and the best diamond disc on the market, this machine cuts and bevels pipes in one process. You can easily choose the bevel length and depth with the machine’s adjustments. You can even adjust the bevel depth during the cutting process.
The Pipe Bevel Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series is extremely easy and safe to use, the patented gripping unit ensures firm attachment to the pipe and makes the use of machine convenient. The Pipe Bevel Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series is portable and can be used with a blade guard (separately orderable product) featured with a vacuum port (when cutting cast iron with concrete layer and plastics) to easily vacuum all the small dust/chips and take the user-friendliness to the next level.
Pipe Bevel Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 460
Range of use
OD 4" - 18" (100-460 mm)
Max. wall thicknes
0,8" (20 mm) steel, 2" (35 mm) plastic
18,5 kg
220 - 240 V
No-load speed
1.900 & 2.885 rpm
ø Blade
165 mm
Mounting bore
62 mm
  • Exact Pro Series 460CB
  • Cut+Bevel Diamond disc
  • Shoulder bag
  • 4 x pipe support
  • Insctructions
  • Allen keys 5 mm & 2 mm

Flyer Pipe Bevel Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 460CB


Pipe Bevel Cutting Machine Exact Pro Series 460 Advantages
Exact Pipe Saw vs Angle Grinder

Time is money

The Exact Pipe Saw makes 10 clean cuts in the same time it takes an angle grinder to make an imprecise cut.

Perfect bevel result

With the renewed cutting depth adjustment and the best diamond
disc on the market, this machine cuts and bevels pipes in one process.
Perfect Bevel
Safe Cutting and Beveling

Extremly safe and easy to use

The Exact Pipe Saw is an extremly easy
tool to use and requires minimal layout and set up.

Matching it
Exact Cut+Bevel Diamond Disc 165
Exact Cut+Bevel Diamond Disc 165
Designed to cut and bevel cast iron and plastic pipes in one process. It is equipped with heavy duty diamonds.

to Cut+Bevel Disc

Pipe Transport/Support Roller

Pipe Tansport/Support 

Roller for precise and secure pipe transport

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